Do you want to help improve resources for people with depression and their family and friends?
Welcome to our research study to develop DepressionASSIST, a useful and easily accessible website specifically for family members, partners, and friends of adults with major depressive disorder.
Our ultimate aim is to benefit family, friends, and partners of those with depression.
Help by giving feedback
We are looking for people who are:
A family member, partner or close friend of an adult with major depressive disorder?
Aged 18 years or over?
Living in Australia?
If so, we invite you to help with this research by giving your views about the website and any suggestions for improvements.
To express your interest in helping with this research:
Access our expression of interest form here.
To find out more:
Contact us via phone (0456 755 552), email (depression-assist@deakin.edu.au), or using our contact form here.
The Depression Assist project has ethics approval and is being conducted in Australia at Deakin University in collaboration with Barwon Health, Dr Lesley Berk and her team. It is funded by an Australian Society for Bipolar and Depressive Disorders/Servier Foundation Depression Grant.